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Expository preaching forces the preacher to show Jesus on every page

Believing in and knowing the Triune God is what makes Christianity, well, Christian. In other words, a Trinity-free Christianity isn’t Christianity

Scripture should confront us in our consumerism

Revelation isn’t a coded text that God doesn’t want us to comprehend; it’s a book that God wants to use to illicit worship toward him.

My resolution for 2020 is simple: let my speech be gracious so that it will be Christ who shines through me.

As we approach the celebration of Christ's birth, here are nine books that made us love Jesus more.

If you're going stir crazy and needing something to get you through these next few weeks, have no fear: we have a few recommendations for you.

This shutdown, however long it may last, should cause us to remember how essential the ministry of the local church is to us.

The purpose of prayer is expressing dependence, not on self, but on the only One who is capable of redeeming our brokenness.

These books have encouraged me, and they have enriched my understanding of what God was doing so many years ago in foreign lands and through foreign people.