Jan 13
Is the COVID-19 Vaccine the Mark of the Beast?
Revelation isn’t a coded text that God doesn’t want us to comprehend; it’s a book that God wants to use to illicit worship toward him.
Sept 12, 2021
Vivamus gravida luctus feugiat. Sed sed dolor augue. Curabitur leo ex, vehicula vel orci vitae, elementum placerat nisi. Suspendisse vel urna vel neque tempus Vivamus gravida luctus feugiat. Sed sed dolor augue. Curabitur leo ex, vehicula vel orci vitae, elementum placerat nisi. Suspendisse vel urn…
In this post, Pastor Chandler Warren summarizes why we have membership classes at FBA.
Keep ReadingOn May 21, Dr. Putman will be joining us at FBA for a churchwide Sunday school class on worldview before preaching the Sunday service that morning.
Keep ReadingDon Whitney is putting on a workshop in our area about his book Praying the Bible, and the church has invited us to bring a group.
Keep ReadingToday, we're sitting down to talk with Dr. Fred Sanders.
Keep ReadingToday, we're sitting down to talk with Dr. Brandon Smith.
Keep ReadingToday, we're sitting down to talk with Dr. Madison Pierce.
Keep ReadingThis post will address two points that some give in opposition to expository preaching.
Keep ReadingThe Sunday morning sermon is not a Ph.D. seminar or a demonstration of the preacher’s intellectual capacity.
Keep ReadingAn expository sermon should always have the biblical text guide the flow of the sermon.
Keep ReadingFar too often, we determine success according to a business model rather than a biblical model.
Keep ReadingExpository preaching forces the preacher to show Jesus on every page
Keep ReadingBelieving in and knowing the Triune God is what makes Christianity, well, Christian. In other words, a Trinity-free Christianity isn’t Christianity
Keep ReadingScripture should confront us in our consumerism
Keep ReadingRevelation isn’t a coded text that God doesn’t want us to comprehend; it’s a book that God wants to use to illicit worship toward him.
Keep ReadingMy resolution for 2020 is simple: let my speech be gracious so that it will be Christ who shines through me.
Keep ReadingAs we approach the celebration of Christ's birth, here are nine books that made us love Jesus more.
Keep ReadingThis shutdown, however long it may last, should cause us to remember how essential the ministry of the local church is to us.
Keep ReadingThe purpose of prayer is expressing dependence, not on self, but on the only One who is capable of redeeming our brokenness.
Keep ReadingAt the heart of bearing others burdens is a proper understanding of the gospel as the answer to our greatest self-inflicted burden, sin.
Keep ReadingThe most important thing to remember during our hopeful return is that we’re not gathering for solely for ourselves.
Keep ReadingLearn to stop overlooking the small words of Scripture. Take it from me: they just might save your life.
Keep ReadingCultural Christianity attempts to boil down faith to a simple title of “Christian” when in reality being a believer in the finished work of Christ affects everything about your life.
Keep ReadingI’ve heard it said that if you want to figure out a church’s theology, you can simply watch their worship service. Here are five simple ways to help revitalize your worship services.
Keep Reading“The youth group is dying, so we’re leaving,” is a self-fulfilling prophecy. Panic sets in for parents when their kids complain about church. Despite good intentions, the results are often dreadful.
Keep ReadingJan 13
Revelation isn’t a coded text that God doesn’t want us to comprehend; it’s a book that God wants to use to illicit worship toward him.
Dec 16
If you're going stir crazy and needing something to get you through these next few weeks, have no fear: we have a few recommendations for you.
Dec 1
This shutdown, however long it may last, should cause us to remember how essential the ministry of the local church is to us.
May 20
Is it possible that being unable to gather might actually make our community stronger?
May 20
The most important thing to remember during our hopeful return is that we’re not gathering for solely for ourselves.
Mar 17
Coronavirus may prevent us from gathering together for corporate worship for a time, but it cannot prevent us from proclaiming the gospel through equipping the saints and evangelizing the lost.